August 09, 2018
Emily & Zach's Southend Barns Summer Wedding
The last day of June this year was steaming hot, perfect for outdoor nuptials and particularly ideal for the exciting debut of the brand new outdoor ceremony area at Southend Barns. Emily and Zach had been planning their wedding for two years and so it was a wonderful surprise for them to discover they could marry in this newly created bespoke space. It had been sweetly named ‘The Secret Garden’ which was due to be finished and ready for use just in time for the couple’s big day. Being a gardener by trade, this tranquil hideaway outdoor area particularly appealed to Zach who would really appreciate all of the rustic textures, including the lush green leafy plants and trees, wooden log feature walls and original flint stone barn walls. The couple felt hugely honoured to find out they would be amongst the first to marry in this beautiful garden space and of course it was a treat for me to have an additional beautiful backdrop to frame the bride and her groom exchanging rings and promises.
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August 02, 2018
Jade & Sam's Southend Barns Summer Wedding
There were so many sweet, romantic and happy moments that filled this warm June day - so much so, that it was difficult to shake off the face-ache from the perpetual smiling that we all seemed to be engaged in! Jade and Sam married in the light and calming Dairy Barn that regularly plays host to brides and grooms celebrating their nuptials at the effortlessly charming Southend Barns. For friends and family of Jade and Sam, the scene was set that day - not just by the beautiful south coast countryside surroundings and pretty pastel notes in the decor, but helped along by the couple’s natural and fun approach to the day filled with their warmingly contagious laughter!
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May 17, 2018
Meg & Rob's Spring Wedding at Southend Barns
If you were to cross Harry Potter with Cinderella you would get the summary of the truly magical fairytale fantasy that was Meg and Rob’s wedding day! Hard to imagine? Let me explain. Beautiful Meg’s second greatest affection in life (first being for her groom of course) is for the Harry Potter novels, which whilst using as inspiration to creatively theme the wedding day, was probably never going to work with regards to inspiring her bridal gown! For, arguably, the most important dress of her life, Meg looked for guidance from a character from another style of literature - the ultimate in iconic fairy tale princesses. She chose to emulate a timeless heroine who represents strength, beauty and grace. She chose to be a real-life Cinderella. What was so memorable was that by merging these two sets of fantastical ideas, Meg and Rob’s unique wedding story remained perfectly breathtaking, yet at the same time wonderfully unpredictable and romantic.
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